Archive | October, 2014

The Leaves Change, and So Do My Scheduled Recordings on the DVR, Part 2

23 Oct

As a continuation of my two-part blog post about all the many shows I watched this fall, here are the final four (oh, I think understand college basketball all of a sudden). This batch includes my favorite and least favorite of all the programs I watched. I know you’re dying of curiosity, so read on!

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The Leaves Change, and So Do My Scheduled Recordings on the DVR, Part 1

17 Oct

Sometimes I get so abnormally excited about the promise of new fall TV shows that it feels like I fill my date card with a new one every hour. And this year was no exception. There were so many shows I wanted to watch, but at the same time, I couldn’t abandon my old shows (I still have to pay attention to them. It’s like having a second child – how do you split your time and love? It’s tough, but so rewarding), so I narrowed it down to the top 8 highest potential programs. They mostly had to involve romance, New York, teenagers, a preview with indie music, or Batman.

You should have seen my DVR after week 1! It was like “…coming home…but to no home I..I had ever known” (Tom Hanks, Sleepless in Seattle). It was beautiful, and I want to share my excitement with you. There was a lot of wine drunk and a lot of tortilla chips dipped in salsa while sitting on my couch in order to get through this challenge…that I created for myself. In fact, there were so many shows and I wrote so many things, that I had to break this post into two parts. I find that both sad (so much time on my couch), and happy (my couch was so comfortable and kind to me!). In the end, there were a few duds, but I also found some keepers, so it was all worthwhile. Just like having a second kid! And by kid, I of course mean television show.

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